Parques De Sintra Castelo Dos Mouros

Points of Interest

The Moorish Castle

Parques De Sintra Castelo Dos Mouros

This site was identified as containing the remains of inhabitation, silos and the foundations of a community oven. Based on the artefacts discovered here over the course of a series of archaeological digs – including fragments of pottery and ceramic recipients –, it has proven possible to reconstruct some of the typological characteristics of the Islamic material culture prevailing here between the 10th and 12th centuries, including the identification of pans, jugs, pots, amphoras, baking dishes, bowls and bottles.


The interior of these homes above all served for the women to prepare foodstuffs and to weave wool. The site has also yielded numerous instruments related with the latter practice ranging from spinning wheels, spindles in copper alloy, combing items and marble yarn spool fragments.