Carrossel, Creditos Afonso Bordallo Rodrigues (Baixa Resolução)


Portuguese School of Equestrian Art

APP1116 Dourado SF 0332

Dourado shares with his brothers Barão, Baritono, Dirupe, Jiripiti, Jura and Paron their father Rubi, who has many achievements, most notably his participation in the London Olympics in 2012 where he placed 16th in the KUR final. His mother is Uxepa, he was born on January 21, 2008, and, like his brothers, entered the Portuguese School of Equestrian Art at the age of four, where his versatility turned him into a star capable of shining both in the Airs Above the Ground (especially in the Levades and the Courbettes), by hand and while ridden, as well as in the Carousel and the Solo. Dourado has a very strong personality and he is almost always sleepy... When they remove his harness, he yawns three or four times before putting on his headgear. Physically, Dourado stands out for having vitiligo spots.