Parques De Sintra Parque E Palacio De Monserrate

Points of Interest

Park and Palace of Monserrate

Parques De Sintra Parque E Palacio De Monserrate Galeria Central

The gallery is a corridor that interconnects the diverse rooms and towers making up the palace, is fully finished in Moorish patterned plaster in relief. The succession of arches sets the distance between the columns and enables the effect of perspective and zenith illumination. This provides an insight into the harmony existing between the interior architecture and that on the exterior, indeed, one of the most interesting characteristics of this palace. This is a summer house where the fluidity between the gardens and the interiors underwent intensification through different means, especially through the repetition of architectural features deployed in the exterior, especially the columns and arches with their lace curtains, as well as the pink, orange and bluish tones. As regards the decorative motifs, the nature of the park was integrated into the palace itself with the entire house the stage for depictions of leaves, stems, birds and flowers.