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Gala of the Portuguese School of Equestrian Art: Light of the Liberal and Noble Art of Cavalry - Manoel Carlos d’Andrade

Program of this gala:

Horse Running Free

  • Ninja with Vasco Gaiolas Pinto

Carousel of Young Horses

  • Nubio with Nuno Vicente
  • Jirau with Paulo Pires
  • Jura with Luís Raposo
  • Nublado with Miriam Dourado 
  • Machado with Carolina Martins
  • Paquete with José Gaiolas

Picaria Real

Pas de 2

  • Hiihoro com João Quintas
  • Grainho with Rui Almeida

Long Reins

  • Gasquete with Emanuel Lucas

Airs Above the Ground

  • Hojival with Francisco Bessa de Carvalho (Pilões)
  • Jaques with Vasco Gaiolas Pinto / João Maria Diniz
  • Hohasis with Carlos Tomás / Miriam Dourado
  • Dihego with Emanuel Lucas
  • Dirupe with Rui Almeida / Mariana Boavida
  • Lajeado with Nuno Vicente


Carrossel, Creditos Afonso Bordallo Rodrigues (Baixa Resolução)

Court Games

  • Xajeco with Luís Raposo
  • Favorito with Emanuel Lucas
  • Marvão with João Maria Diniz
  • Universo with Mariana Boavida

(assistants: João Quintas, Carolina Martins e Paulo Pires)


  • Hihufi with Nuno Vicente


  • Elvético com Carlos Tomás
  • Icanto com Rui Almeida    
  • Dihário com Mariana Boavida
  • Lingote com Emanuel Lucas     
  • Barão com Miriam Dourado
  • Cajabel com José Gaiolas
  • Groque com Luís Raposo
  • Jerárquico com João Maria Diniz

You have several resources at your disposal to follow this Gala

Technical information

  • Director:
    • Daniel Silva
  • Technical Coordination:
    • Bruno Caseirão
  • Riders:
    • João Pedro Rodrigues (Guest Master-Chief Rider);
    • Francisco Bessa de Carvalho (Guest Master Rider);
    • João Quintas (Master Rider);
    • Vasco Gaiolas Pinto (Rider);
    • Rui Almeida (Rider);
    • Carlos Tomás (Rider);
    • Luís Raposo (Rider);
    • Nuno Vicente (Rider);
    • Emanuel Lucas (Rider);
    • Carolina Martins (Picador-Ajudante);
    • Paulo Pires (Picador-Ajudante);
    • José Gaiolas (Picador-Ajudante);
    • Mariana Boavida (Rider Assistant);
    • João Maria Diniz (Rider Assistant);
    • Miriam Dourado (Rider Assistant).
  • Grooms:
    • Nuno Deveza (Head Groom);
    • Catarina Tomás;
    • Rui Silva;
    • Cláudio Martins;
    • Fábio Pereira;
    • Hugo Cardoso;
    • Catarina Cabaça;
    • Pedro Campos;
    • Zulmiro Malaquias;
    • Maria Isidro;
    • Fernandes Neves;
    • Pedro Lourenço.
  • Administrative team:
    • Rute Luís;
    • Cristina Oliveira;
    • Sónia Sousa.
  • Veterinary team:
    • Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Lisbon
  • Shoeing team:
    • Daniel Teles;
    • Diogo Macedo.
  • Voice over:
    • António Serrano
  • App Equestrian Art:
    • Pedro Trocado